Not All Face Masks Protect Us Equally Against COVID-19! Let’s See How To Tell Them Apart!

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COVID-19 causes a serious respiratory illness that’s highly infectious and it has the whole world on lockdown. While some people experience no symptoms or only mild ones, others can suffer from serious medical complications when they become infected.

Do face masks minimize the chances of contracting it and if yes, what kind should you wear while this pandemic lasts?

How Do Face Masks Work?

Coronavirus spreads by attaching itself to droplets that get transmitted via coughing, sneezing or even exhaling. One these get into your respiratory system, you can become infected. Touching surfaces on which the virus is present and then touching your face can also lead to infection.

A face mask forms a physical barrier between the wearer and the environment, and it can prevent infection in two ways. If the person wearing the mask is infected, the mask will prevent the virus from spreading. If the person wearing it is healthy, the mask can help to avoid catching COVID-19.

The Three Most Used Mask Types

  • homemade face mask, usually made from cloth
  • disposable surgical mask
  • N95 respirator

Click the next page for a more detailed explanation about each mask type!